11 02, 2014

Tabla for Two brought a bit of Spring to Mercyhurst University

2019-01-07T20:27:28+00:00February 11th, 2014|Performances|

It was amazing that on a 7 degrees bitter cold winter’s night, people walked into the Mercyhurst University concert hall and got a glimpse of Spring. The stage was lush with greenery and flowers. The air in the concert hall was warmed up by the rich sounds of Tabla for Two.

The crowd was so enthusiastic and showed their appreciation by their audible response after each piece was played. We felt the standing ovation would never end. After our performance, the stage was swarmed by well wishers expressing their thanks before bundling up and returning into the cold Erie night. Thank you to all who attended!

Tabla for Two at Mercyhurst

Tabla for Two performed in front of a full house at Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania on February 10, 2014.

15 01, 2014

Erie House Concert

2019-01-07T20:27:29+00:00January 15th, 2014|Performances|


tabla for two abigail and mamood

Abigail playing harmonium. Masood on tabla.

tabla for two with John Vanco

Abigail and Masood with John Vanco, director of the Erie Art Museum


tabla for two with Albert Glinsky

Tabla for Two with Albert Glinsky, professor of Composition at Mercyhurst University, and founder of its Visiting Artists Series

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